Last updated on October 28th, 2022 at 05:51 pm

Yes! You can TRIM ROOTS in Hydroponics. Hydroponics is a fantastic way of growing plants without the problems that one faces in soil. Plants in Hydroponics grow faster and vegetables can be more nutritious than soil-grown vegetables.

A lot of work is done by roots to transport nutrients, water, and oxygen to plants for optimum growth and it becomes very important to keep roots healthy

can you trim root in hydroponics
Trim Roots in Hydroponics

Why Trim Roots in Hydroponics?

When plants are grown in soil, the roots have to go deeper and grow longer in order to extract as much nutrition from the soil as possible whereas in Hydroponics, Roots have easy access to nutrients and therefore roots don’t have to grow too much because nutrients are readily available in the form of Hydroponic nutrient solution

But just because roots in hydroponics don’t grow huge it doesn’t mean they don’t need to be taken care of.

Sometimes it becomes very important to trim roots in Hydroponics as there are chances of diseases, stalled growth, and even plants dying if proper care is not taken. There are many advantages of root pruning:-

  • Balanced root trimming increases yield
  • Keeps plants healthy
  • Minimizes chances of Root Rot in Hydroponics
  • Avoid clogging distribution channels
  • Promotes lateral root growth which results in better absorption of nutrients
  • Avoids Root Binding

Just as a plant’s foliage is pruned for its better growth, roots also need to be pruned or trimmed to avoid any unfavorable circumstances that may develop in the root zone thereby affecting the whole plant. You will need to prune the roots if:-

  • Roots are tangled or forming knots
  • Roots are growing in an uneven manner
  • Roots are starting to smell foul
  • You can see mold, Algae, or fungus growing
  • Roots are clogging pipes
  • Discolored roots

Sometimes you see that roots are discolored but it doesn’t always mean that they are infected or need to be trimmed. Nutrient solution and other additives sometimes have a discoloration effect on roots and there is no need to worry about that.

Just make sure discolored roots are not slimy. If they are slimy and discolored then they should be removed to avoid further complications

How To Trim Roots in Hydroponics

By following these steps, you can easily trim roots in hydroponics:-

  1. First, make sure that your plant is healthy and not distressed. It’s best to do this process in the evening as the plant will have the whole night to recover
  2. If the plant is potted, carefully remove the plant from its pot. If it’s in a recirculating system then you already have easy access to roots. Gently remove the plant from its place.
  3. Inspect the roots for any Fungus or Mold growth. Look out for Hydroponic roots turning brown, green, or black
  4. Check for Slimy, Discolored & foul smelling Roots as you will need to remove them. Healthy roots are usually in different shades of white
  5. Also, look for any lopsided root growth
  6. Choose proper Pruning Tools as plants are living things and you need to prune the roots in such a manner that they are least affected by the process. I usually prefer Pruning Shears for this purpose. It is an amazing tool with sharp blades and high accuracy
  7. Clean the tool with a good antibacterial soap and water. You can also use disinfectant or a fungicide to make it even safer. Using clean tools is very important so that you don’t spread infections that may come along with unclean tools.
  8. Carefully trim the roots that fall into the above-mentioned categories. Make sure you trim only the lower third part of the roots and never disturb the crown area. The Crown area is where all roots meet the plant.
  9. Don’t let trimmed roots fall into the reservoir or grow site as pruning is being done to remove the unwanted roots. Letting those roots stay there will further cause infections & problems
  10. Now, put the plant back carefully in the pot/grow site and firm the growing media around it and if you see plants wilting slightly, try reducing EC or TDS of nutrient solution until plants have fully recovered. Then you can bring the EC back up to where it originally was.

This way you can provide plants with favorable growing conditions and by pruning roots, you promote root growth in hydroponics which is ideal. Root pruning is not required in all hydroponic systems.

Whenever you trim roots in hydroponics, never trim more than 15% of the total root mass or the plant can go into shock and it can become very difficult to recover it.

It should only be done where issues can arise if root growth is not kept in check. Systems like Nutrient Film Technique need most care whereas plants in systems like Deep Water Culture can work well without any root pruning

Air Pruning in Hydroponics

There is also another method where you can naturally trim roots called Air Pruning. In Air Pruning, when roots come in contact with dry air their tips stop growing and lateral roots are formed to compensate for the missed growth at the tip end.

Air pruning is most effectively done in grow bags or containers that allow air to pass and reach roots such as grow bags made out of breathable fabrics. Air pots are a classic example of such growing containers.

One of the best advantage of such containers or grow bags is that it promotes a healthy root zone and because there is no shortage of oxygen in the root zone, it prevents many root infections that can kill plants

Also, they are lightweight and easy to carry and store.


Pruning roots in hydroponics sometimes becomes essential especially when there is root clogging in hydroponics and you decide to trim roots but always keep in mind to assess the plant first and prune only what’s necessary.

Unnecessary pruning can shock and even kill plants. Always use clean pruning tools to avoid any bacterial or fungal infections

Happy Growing!


7 Years back when I was looking for ways to grow vegetables at home for me and my family, I came to know about Hydroponics and since then everything has changed. I love growing veggies in Hydroponics and it is both fun and easy if you put your heart to it. Interested in hearing more from me? Please subscribe to my email list. If you want to ask me a question, you can always contact me on info[@] You can also find me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.


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