Last updated on October 25th, 2022 at 11:34 am

Hydroponic Cucumbers in Grow Bags or 5 Gallon Buckets Outdoors – Cucumbers can be grown hydroponically outdoors or indoors in various hydroponic systems but in this post I am going to share how I grow Hydroponic cucumbers in substrate hydroponics, i.e 5 gallon buckets or grow bags filled with cocopeat via drain to waste method.

Although the title says grow bags but you can always use other containers such as plastic paint buckets or other containers. I have also used 20 L paint buckets for the same purpose (You’ll see in the post ahead)

Seed Starting Process

To grow cucumbers in hydroponics high quality seeds are required and therefore I chose Syngenta’s Glossy Cucumber seeds that are also used in commercial farming. Also, I normally start seeds in a propagation tray and below you can see I have all three things required to start seeds :-

  • Cocopeat that is thoroughly washed to have lower salt content
  • Propagation tray
  • Syngenta Cucumber seeds
cocopeat and propagation tray for seed germination
Cocopeat and Propagation Tray for seed germination

First, cocopeat needs to be filled in the cells of pro tray to the point that is 1/2 inch below the rim or edges of cells. Then you can sow 1-2 seeds per cell and cover the seeds with just enough cocopeat to hide them. Don’t bury cucumber seeds anymore than 1/2 to 1 inch

cocopeat in propagation tray
Cocopeat filled in Propagation tray
syngenta glossy cucumber seeds
Syngenta Glossy cucumber seeds
two cucumber seeds per cell
Two cucumber seeds per cell February 1, 2021
seeds covered with cocopeat
Seeds covered with cocopeat

After covering seeds with cocopeat, you can water the propagation tray preferably with a water sprayer to make cocopeat moist or even wet. At this stage plain R.O. water or any water with EC/TDS below 0.4 ms/cm or 150-200 ppm can be used because there is no need of nutrients before germination

watering the propagation tray
Watering the propagation tray

Keep the propagation tray in indirect sunlight until there is germination and after that move the tray to a spot having full sunlight

Germination of Cucumber seeds

Cucumber is a warm season crop and it doesn’t tolerate cold well. Best temperature range for growth of cucumber plants is between 20-30 degrees Celsius and depending upon temperatures, cucumber seeds can take anywhere between 3-5 days to germinate

Below you can see germination of cucumber seeds happening at around Day 5 after sowing the seeds

hydroponic cucumber seed germination
Hydroponic Cucumber Germination

A couple days later you can see in images below both seeds had germinated and now I had to thin the seedlings in which one seedling from each cell is removed and healthiest of the two seedlings is carried on with. Thinning is done have just one seedling per cell and we sowed two seeds per cell in order to ensure enough germination in case quality of seeds is doubtful

You can just pull out the weak seedling and discard or transplant them elsewhere

two seedlings per cell
Two seedlings per cell
one seedling per cell
One seedling per cell after thinning

Starting Hydroponic Nutrient Solution for Cucumbers

After first two leaves of the seedlings open, I start feeding them with a weak nutrient solution of strength around EC 0.5 ms/cm or TDS 250 ppm. I bottom feed the seedlings where I place the propagation tray in a bigger container filled with hydroponic nutrient solution for cucumbers and let cocopeat absorb the solution

EC or TDS can be measured with the help of a EC/TDS meter

Once cocopeat has absorbed the solution it’s color will turn to dark brown which means it’s wet now. pH for hydroponic cucumbers should always be kept between 5.5-6.5 at all stages of growth

ph can be measured with the help of a pH meter

cucumber seedlings with both leaves open
Cucumber seedlings with both leaves open
hydroponic nutrient solution for cucumbers
Hydroponic Nutrient Solution for cucumbers
feeding seedlings with nutrient solution
Feeding seedlings with Nutrient Solution

Cucumber Seedlings usually take around 25-30 days from sowing to be ready for transplanting. Until transplant, strength of nutrient solution is increased by around by EC 0.3 ms/cm or TDS 150 ppm every 5 days or a week and is not exceeded EC 1.0 ms/cm or TDS 500 ppm mark until transplant

seedling growth
More growth of cucumber seedlings

Transplanting Cucumbers in Grow Bags/Containers

Below you can see that at around 24 day mark seedlings were ready to be transplanted and you can transplant any seedling when first pair of true leaves in a seedling has emerged. True leaves are the second pair of leaves after cotyledons (First pair of leaves)

To transplant seedlings, I had to pull them out of propagation tray by gently pressing the cell from outside and below and then pulling the seedling out

cucumber seedlings ready to be transplanted
Cucumber seedlings ready to be transplanted
trying to pull out seedling
Trying to pull out the seedling
seedling out of propagation tray
Seedling out of propagation tray

Since I was growing cucumbers hydroponically outdoors, I chose 5 gallon paint buckets ( 20 Litres) for seedlings to be transplanted into , I had all the buckets lined up and ready with growing media already filled in them. I used 70% cocopeat and 30% perlite as growing media but you can also use 100% cocopeat if you want. Buckets had a hole at the bottom for drainage as I am growing these plants through drain to waste method where nutrient solution is not circulated

You can also use grow bags in place of these buckets, there is not much difference. I use these buckets because it’s easy to move them around and grow bags can get damaged if you try to move them but grow bags are definitely lighter in weight and compact to store. So it’s up to you what to choose!

5 gallon paint buckets for hydroponic cucumbers
5 gallon pain buckets with growing media

To transplant seedlings into these buckets I had to dig a shallow hole in the center of the bucket and then place the seedling in that hole thereafter firming the media around the seedling for support

hole at center of the bucket
Hole at center of the bucket
cucumber seedling after transplantation
Cucumber seedling after transplantation

You can either hand water the plants or install a drip irrigation system if you find hand watering difficult or time consuming. In the beginning when plants are small, you don’t need much nutrient solution to feed and frequency of feeding is also lower but it increases as plants grow

Growing Cucumbers in Hydroponics /Growing Cucumbers Hydroponically Outdoors

After transplantation, I fed them with nutrient solution of strength around EC 1.1 ms/cm or TDS 550 ppm and frequency was thrice a week. Strength of Nutrient solution was increased by EC 0.5 ms/cm or TDS 250 ppm every week until full strength of nutrient solution was achieved which is around EC 2.4 ms/cm or TDS 1200 ppm

You can see below for images at different stages of growth

hydroponic nutrient solution for cucumbers EC 1.1 ms/cm
EC around 1.1 ms/cm or TDS 550 ppm approx.
cucumber plant growth March 3
Cucumber plant growth March 3

A week after transplant, female flower buds had also started appearing. It depends a lot on which variety cucumber you are growing. Try to choose a variety that has more number of female flowers

female flower buds start to appear
Female flower buds start appearing

Around March 11, I had also put some wooden stakes to support cucumber vines as the plants were growing well and needed support

wooden stakes installed for vine support
Wooden stakes March 11

Hand Pollinating Cucumbers

If natural pollinators such as Honey bees, etc. are very less in numbers in your garden then you will have to hand pollinate your cucumber plants. Hand pollination requires transferring the pollen from male flower to female flower with the help of cotton wick or a small paint brush or even by rubbing male flower against female flower.

Below you can see that after successful hand pollination, cucumbers started developing very fast

hydroponic cucumbers developing
Cucumbers developing March 17
another cucumber fruit developing
Another cucumber fruit developing

Harvesting Hydroponic Cucumbers

Around March 19, few cucumbers were ready to be harvested. As you can see below, I harvested the first cucumbers and many more later on

cucumber ready to be harvested
Cucumber ready to be harvested
harvested cucumber
Harvested Cucumber

As the plants grew, lots of cucumbers were harvested subsequently and the strength of nutrient solution was kept at it’s highest till the termination of the plants

cucumbers in grow bags
Growth March 28
harvested hydroponic cucumbers
Harvested Hydroponic Cucumbers

Hydroponic Nutrient Solution for Cucumbers- The Recipe

Growing cucumbers in hydroponics requires a very well balanced hydroponic nutrient solution that can provide all the necessary nutrients to cucumber plants.

You can read my post on DIY Hydroponic Nutrients to know how to make your own nutrient solution for fruiting vegetables at home

If you have read any of my other posts then you know I use a well balanced hydroponic nutrient solution recipe for fruiting vegetables and I have used the same recipe to grow other plants such as Hydroponic Bottle Gourd, Hydroponic Brinjal, or even Hydroponic Broccoli, etc.

Please see below for quantities of different fertilizers required to make hydroponic nutrient solution for cucumbers. These quantities have to be added to 100 Liters of plain R.O. water with EC below 0.3 ms/cm or TDS 150 ppm. Add these hydroponic fertilizers one by one. You can read my article on How make hydroponic nutrient solution for complete details

If you want in depth information on hydroponic nutrients or how to make stock solution, you can always get in touch with us for our short online training where we teach how to make nutrient solution at home from scratch using commonly available fertilizers and it is going to save huge costs for you as online available nutrients are very costly

You can email me at for more details

EC for Hydroponic Cucumbers

When making hydroponic nutrient solution, EC for hydroponic cucumbers should not exceed it’s highest strength which is around EC 2.4 ms/cm or TDS 1200 ppm. Now this value will depend on many factors such as base water EC/TDS or quality of nutrients that you are using. R.O. water that I used has EC of 0.08 or TDS 40 ppm so in my case highest EC value was 2.3-2.4 ms/cm but it can vary

pH for Hydroponic Cucumbers

ph of hydroponic nutrient solution for cucumbers should be kept between 5.5-6.5 where 5.8-6.2 being the sweet spot

If you want you can also watch my Hindi YouTube video on the same topic, you can turn on the English subtitles if you don’t understand Hindi

How to Grow Hydroponic Cucumbers in Grow Bags or Containers

Can you grow cucumbers hydroponically

Yes. Absolutely! Cucumbers are great crop for hydroponics. Provided a well balanced hydroponic nutrient solution for cucumbers, they grow very fast and bear great fruits. You can grow hydroponic cucumbers in hydroponic systems such as Dutch Bcuket System, Ebb and Flow, Grow Bags, Deep Water Culture, etc.

How long do cucumbers take to grow hydroponically?

Hydroponic Cucumber plants take anywhere between 50-60 days from seed sowing to bear fruits

What nutrients do hydroponic cucumbers need?

Hydroponic Cucumbers need a well balanced nutrient solution for optimum growth. Macro Nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium are very vital along with secondary nutrients and micro nutrients such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum, Manganese, Boron, etc.


7 Years back when I was looking for ways to grow vegetables at home for me and my family, I came to know about Hydroponics and since then everything has changed. I love growing veggies in Hydroponics and it is both fun and easy if you put your heart to it. Interested in hearing more from me? Please subscribe to my email list. If you want to ask me a question, you can always contact me on info[@] You can also find me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.


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