Last updated on October 28th, 2022 at 03:07 pm

An Introduction to Bottle Gourd Plant (lauki)

Before sharing details of Hydroponic Bottle Gourd in Cocopeat, Let’s read about Bottle Gourd plant in general. Bottle Gourd also known as Calabash and scientifically known as Lagenaria siceraria belongs to Cucurbitaceae (Cucumber family). In India it is popularly known as Lauki . It is a warm weather crop and optimum temperature for it’s growth is between 22-30 degrees Celsius. It can not tolerate cold or frost so always make sure you have at least 3-5 months of optimum temperature range (22-30 degrees) ahead with plenty of moisture in growing season.

Bottle Gourd grows very rapidly and for best results trellising and training is required for vines to grow vertically. It produces night blooming flowers and fruits have various shapes depending upon the variety.

Starting Bottle Gourd Seeds

Seeds are one of the most important factor in determining the germination success and yields later on. Therefore, it is always recommended to buy high quality bottle gourd seeds to ensure maximum germination whether it’s hydroponics or soil based gardening. I chose Sungro company’s F1 Hybrid Vidya seeds.

Bottle gourd seeds are quite thick and soaking them in water overnight helps in faster germination. Also, it’s a good test to see if seeds are viable or not. Faulty seeds tend to float at surface and good ones usually settle at the bottom of container

bottle gourd seeds
Sungo F1 Hybrid Vidya Bottle Gourd seeds
seeds soaked in water
Lauki Seeds soaked in water in a container

Growing Media

Choice of growing media depends upon how you are going to grow vegetables in Hydroponics. I am growing bottle gourd in a drain to waste system where nutrient solution is not recirculated and drainage is discarded off. Also, media availability and cost are important factors while choosing growing media

In India, cocopeat is very affordable and easily procurable growing media and hence I am going to go with cocopeat. Always make sure that your coco peat is washed thoroughly and preferably buffered. TDS of cocopeat should be below 250 ppm or even less. You can learn here how to wash cocopeat

I am going to grow bottle gourd in two grow bags and both grow bags will have slightly different growing mediums. Size of grow bags used here is 24x24x40 cms. In Hydroponics, grow bag/container size can be a bit smaller than soil based gardening. This is the minimum size for growing bottle gourd. A little bigger grow bag can be better.

One grow bag will have 100% cocopeat and the other will have 70% cocopeat and 30% perlite. Perlite is mixed in cocopeat to increase drainage and aeration. Perlite percentage can vary from 10% to 50%. Now, we need to fill growing media in both grow bags

coco peat as growing medium
On left : 70% cocopeat 30% perlite
On Right : 100% Cocopeat
grow bag of size 24x24x40 cms
Grow Bag of size 24x24x40 cms

grow bags filled with cocopeat
Grow bags filled with growing media

Preparation for seed sowing

For this particular grow I am going to sow seeds directly as opposed to raising seedlings and then transplanting later on. Gourds tend to do better if seeds are sown directly but you can raise seedlings if you want.

Before sowing seeds, I need to wet the media thoroughly because I am not going to water it right after seeds are sown. So, I am using water from my R.O. (Reverse Osmosis) to wet the media because we don’t need any nutrition to provide as seeds are yet to be sown so plain R.O. water is all we need and I will water grow bags using a watering can until drainage is seen from the bottom

TDS of hydroponic nutrient solution
R.O. water with TDS 12 ppm
wetting of growing media
Wetting of growing media
drainage from grow bags
Drainage from bottom of grow bags

Seed Sowing

Now, since I am sowing seeds directly and not raising seedlings, I need to sow more than one seed per grow bag in case germination is poor, I’ll have more chances of having enough number of seedlings. First, I need to throw away the water seeds were soaked in

Now, I will make four holes in each grow bag and hole need not be more than 1 inch deep. One seed will be sown in each hole and total 4 seeds per grow bag. After sowing seeds, I will cover the seeds with same media, just enough to hide them and not bury them deep. Germination can be seen in 3-5 days of seed sowing.

After sowing seeds, grow bags should be placed under some kind of protection if it’s rainy season to protect seedlings from too much rain. Seeds were sown on July 17, 2021

bottle gourd seeds
Bottle Gourd seeds after water is discarded off
holes for seed sowing in growing media
Four holes 1 inch deep
seed sowing
One seed per hole. Seeds sown on July 17, 2021
covering seeds with cocopeat
Covering seeds with growing media
polythene used to make roof
Roof made using polythene sheets and some frames/stands

Germination and Growth Phase

On July 21, 2021, Germination was visible in both grow bags although not all seeds had germinated yet

On July 23, 2021, All four seeds germinated in grow bag with 100% cocopeat but only three seeds germinated in the grow bag with Coco-perlite mixture

germination of seeds
Germination visible on July 21, 2021
bottle gourd seedlings appearing
All four seeds germinated in 100% coco peat
Only three seeds germinated in Coco-perlite grow bag

Hydroponic Nutrient Solution for Bottle Gourd (Lauki)

At this stage, I fed the seedlings with weak hydroponic nutrient solution. Since seedlings are very small, nutrient solution with TDS around 150-200 ppm is good and pH of nutrient solution should always be between 5.5 to 6.5

If you want to know which recipe I used to make hydroponic nutrient solution for growing bottle gourd, you can click on below video link to know about it

Also, there is another post which explain how to make DIY Hydroponic Nutrients for fruiting vegetables from scratch. You can check it out.

On July 25, 2021 seedlings started to grow their first true leaves and the first two leaves when seed germinated are not it’s true leaves. They are called cotyledons and they provide nutrition to seedlings for first few days until seedlings/plants start making their own food via photosynthesis

At this stage, I decided to thin the seedlings which means I kept one healthiest seedling in each grow bags and removed the others because only one plant could be grown in each grow bag

first true leaf visible
Seedlings with first true leaves now visible
thinning of seedlings
Thinning of seedlings
thinning continued
one seedling per grow bag
Only one seedling in each grow bag

On July 28, seedlings were growing steadily and first true leaves were getting bigger. At this point, I increased the nutrient solution strength to around TDS 300 ppm. Also, there is no need to water whole grow bag thoroughly and only 200-300 millilitres of solution is enough as seedlings in the beginning don’t have large root system so any extra solution beside root mass area is of no use.

true leaf growing
Seedling in Coco-Perlite
third leaf
First true leaf getting bigger
TDS of hydroponic nutrient solution
Nutrient Solution TDS 274 ppm
ph of hydroponic nutrient solution
pH of nutrient solution is 6.1
feeding the seedling
Feeding nutrient solution to seedling

On August 1, 2021, Seedlings grew their second true leaves and somehow the seedling in 100% cocopeat is doing a bit better than the other

Nutrient solution strength needs to be increased to around 500 ppm and this time I am going to show you my stock solution with the help of which I make diluted hydroponic nutrient solution. I have plain R.O. water in a container with TDS around 13 ppm and stock solution is stored in 1 Litre plastic bottles with two part formulation, Stock solution “A” and stock solution “B”

Equal parts of stock solution A and B are required to be mixed with R.O. water to make diluted nutrient solution. In my case, stock solution is 100 times concentrated so I need 10 ml from each stock solution for every 1 Litre of R.O. water

If you wish to get training/consultation on how to make stock solution with raw fertilizers and get a deeper understanding of how hydroponic nutrients work then you can DM me on my Instagram i.e. sm.gardener OR you can WhatsApp me on my number +91-72062-34611

pair of true leaves
Seedlings with two true leaves
first pair of true leaves
Seedling in 100% cocopeat doing a bit better
TDS of R.O. water
TDS of R.O. water 13 ppm
Hydroponic Nutrient Stock Solution
Stock Solution in 1 Litre plastic bottles
Nutrient Stock solution
One part required from Stock Solution A
10 ml of stock solution
One part required from Stock solution B
mixing properly
Mix well
TDS of nutrient solution
TDS achieved around 470 ppm
pH 6.1
pH is adjusted to 6.1
watering hydroponic seedling
Nutrient solution being fed to seedling

On August 6, 2021, Both grow bags were placed in open as they were now capable of tolerating conditions outside of the protected area. Both plants are growing nicely and nutrient solution strength needs to be increased a bit here. I am going to increase it by 100 ppm. Previously , I aimed for 500 ppm and achieved 470 ppm and now I intend to increase 100 ppm, so TDS needs too be around 570 ppm

Outside hydroponics
Grow Bag outside protected area
cocopeat and perlite
Second Grow bag in open area
TDS 600 ppm
Nutrient Solution TDS around 570 ppm

On August 19, 2021, plant in 100% cocopeat is growing really well and flower buds are starting to develop at this stage. Unfortunately, plant in cocopeat-perlite mixture has been affected by virus and needs to be separated from the garden in order to prevent virus spread to other plants. There was a thrips and white flies attack on this plant and although it was in early stage and I took required measures but still the plant couldn’t be saved.

At this stage, Nutrient solution strength needs to be increased to 700 ppm

bottle gourd growing rapidly
Plant in 100% cocopeat growing nicely
flower buds starting to develop
Flower buds starting to develop
virus attack in bottle gourd
Plant is coco-perlite has stunted growth due to virus attack

Flowering and Fruiting Phase

August 30, 2021, Bottle gourd plant (lauki) is doing great and new branches are coming out. I have made a trellis system using bamboo sticks and vines will be supported on these sticks.

Now, female flowers are starting to bloom on the plant and there is also some male flowers appearing. Female flowers have tiny bottle gourd at their base while male flowers don’t have anything around their base

Flower drop or fruit falling is a common problem in vegetable plants and bottle gourd is a little more difficult to pollinate as flowers bloom at night. Also, natural pollinators like honey bees, etc. are not in enough numbers in my garden so I need to hand pollinate bottle gourd flowers in order to achieve maximum yield.

Strength of nutrient solution is being increased to 900 ppm and pH between 5.5-6.5 at this stage

growth update
Good growth
bamboo sticks as trellis
New branches being supported with Bamboo Sticks
female bottle gourd flower
Female flower in bloom with tiny bottle gourd at it’s base
more female flowers
Another female flower soon to bloom

September 7, 2021, It seems hand pollination was successful and I have my first bottle gourd to be harvested today.

TDS of nutrient solution needs to be at maximum strength now as flowering and fruiting is going to be at full force in coming days so the plant needs good nutrition

Maximum Nutrient solution strength is going to be around 1100 ppm in my case but it can be between 1100-1300 ppm depending upon TDS of your R.O. water & pH between 5.5-6.5

Harvesting Phase

harvesting starts
Bottle gourd plant (Lauki)
nice big bottle gourd
First Bottle gourd ready to be harvested
first bottle gourd harvest
Harvested “Lauki”

September 12, 2021, There’s a lots of female flowers now visible on plant and if hand pollination is successful then there will lots of bottle gourd. Overall plant growth is really good and branches are growing very rapidly

Nutrient solution is being fed full strength at TDS 1100 ppm & pH between 5.5-6.5

Rapid bottle gourd plant growth
Rapid growth of the plant
Female flower
Female flower
closed female flower
Another female flower

September 20, 2021 Today we are going to harvest a couple of bottle gourds as they are ready to be harvested while others will take a day or two attain better size to be harvested

bigger harvests
Few bottle gourds ready to be harvested
bottle gourd in hydroponics
Ready to be harvested
lauki in hydroponics
This one will be ready in 3-5 days
hydroponic bottle gourd
Another one to be harvested today
Bottle Gourd harvesting
Harvest of the day

If you have any questions or comments regarding growing Hydroponic Bottle gourd, you may leave a comment in the comment section. I will try me level best to answer them as soon as possible.

You can also watch my video where I have explained the whole process of growing Bottle gourds in coco peat using hydroponic nutrients. Just click on below link to watch the video on YouTube

How to grow Hydroponic Bottle gourd in Cocopeat

You can also watch this video in English on my Instagram by clicking below link


Can we grow Bottle Gourd in Hydroponics?

Absolutely. Bottle Gourd can be grown in Hydroponics very efficiently. Some of the best systems and techniques for growing Hydroponic Bottle Gourd are Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dutch Buckets, Kratky, etc.

How long does it take for Bottle Gourd to bear fruit?

It takes approximately 55-65 days from the date of seed sowing for bottle gourd (lauki) plants to bear fruit

Which Fertilizer is best for Bottle Gourd?

Since Bottle gourd is a vining and fruiting plant, a fertilizer rich in both Nitrogen and Potassium is a good option

What should be TDS for Hydroponic Bottle Gourd?

TDS for bottle gourd should be between 1200-1800 ppm at maturity. TDS levels can be adjusted according to plant age

Does Bottle Gourd need full sun?

Yes. Bottle Gourd is a fruiting plant and it performs well in full day of sunlight. Although, it can be grown in 4-5 hours of sunlight

How often should I water/feed Hydroponic Bottle Gourd in Cocopeat?

It depends on plant age and container/grow bag size. If plant is small, you can get away with watering once a day or even once in two days. As the plant grows, feed/water frequency needs to be increased and it can be up to two times a day

What should be the pH of Hydroponic Nutrient Solution for Bottle Gourd?

pH of hydroponic nutrient solution is always to be kept between 5.5 and 6.5 . For best results, aim between 5.8 and 6.2

Should I do 3G cutting / pruning in Lauki plants?

There is no need to prune or do 3G cutting in Bottle gourd as it has not proven to be a successful method of increasing yields in Bottle gourd. In fact, excessive pruning may lead to yield loss in Lauki (Bottle Gourd)

How can you tell if a Bottle Gourd flower is a male or female?

Female flowers of Bottle Gourd have tiny fruit/bottle gourd forming at their base while male flowers don’t have any sort of tiny fruit at their base


7 Years back when I was looking for ways to grow vegetables at home for me and my family, I came to know about Hydroponics and since then everything has changed. I love growing veggies in Hydroponics and it is both fun and easy if you put your heart to it. Interested in hearing more from me? Please subscribe to my email list. If you want to ask me a question, you can always contact me on info[@] You can also find me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.


Amit · March 28, 2022 at 7:54 pm

Very informative. I can see your hard work and dedication. I need to connect with you over phone. Kindly reply with your contact details.

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